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International Business academic writing sample
International Business academic writing sample
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Android Studio Application Sample
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Best Magazine Cover Design Assignment Help Sample
Best Photoshop Assignment help service / Magazine cover sample
Photoshop for beginners is a fun but to make it professional it need skill and creativity. Our experts provide very selective designs and ideas to implement in design . here we provided magazine cover design sample to illustrate the skill. This was the assignment sample submitted and it scored great score.
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We also uses Adobe illustration and Photoshop to do the work. It all depends upon the client requirement. Sometimes student guidelines are very strict. So we will follow that . We can also provide explanation of what is provided so that it is easy to understand.
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Cisco Networking Academy Assessments Help and Guidance
Cisco Networking Academy Assessments Help and Guidance
Packet tracer assessment help is very challenging for beginners. Realization of any assessment, project, task, practice and Skill exam taken during the CCNA Cisco Networking Academy Courses.
Oracle / database assignment help
[embeddoc url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ProjectPartA.pdf" height="1500px"]
Part A: Step 1 (25 marks) Create a logical (relational) data model (e.g. Database or ER diagram). Use J Developer or Visio to create this diagram.
Use appropriate naming conventions while naming tables, attributes, relationships, etc. Also use appropriate data-types, data-sizes, etc. in the diagram and ensure to flag PKs, FKs, etc. There should be two business rules for each relationship (association) shown on diagram. State these business rules very clearly under a separate section (in your report). Similarly, state your reasonable assumptions (this helps us better evaluate your design) under a separate section. Examine each table’s (entity"s) attributes for dependencies and apply the rules of normalisation discussed in Chapter 6 of the textbook. You are required to show the detailed normalisation process e.g. how you move from lower normal form (e.g. 1NF) to the next (e.g. 2NF) in the submitted work. Use dependency diagrams for depicting all the relationships among a table’s attributes. Normalise tables up to the highest possible NF.
Part A: Step 2 (9 marks) Generate physical model based on the logical model created in the Step 1. To create the required set of tables, relationships, constraints, etc. write SQL scripts using a text editor (e.g. Notepad). Use SQL Developer for initial checking / debugging and running of the code. Keep improving your code until you are happy with the design. Check carefully the DDL code in your script file and make sure that all the attribute definitions (e.g. names, data types, data sizes, domain values including defaults, etc.), table constraints (entity integrity, referential integrity, etc.), etc. are specified correctly
Validate your work by ensuring that query transactions (a) - (p) listed towards the end of the case study are supported by your design. Make sure that the physical design is a robust one and meets the requirements of a good design and remember normalisation alone does not produce a good design. In the end, ensure that both logical and physical designs are consistent with each other. Run your final scripts to generate the database (i.e. physical model). Use your Group Oracle a/c to implement the final code.
Part A: Step 3 (6 marks) Now create appropriate test data to populate the tables you created in Step2. You can use SQL Developer to run a script file that contains SQL INSERT statements or directly enter data. There should be reasonably sufficient number of rows of test data across all the tables but no table should contain less than five rows. Make sure your test data appropriately and sufficiently reflects (this could sometimes mean adding more than 5 rows in some tables) and does not violate any of the constraints declared while creating the database. Set up all the tables and their constraints in the correct order before you load any data into the database.
Medical IOS developement
TrackMyMeds Lite: medication tracker and reminder
We provide high quality IOS / Iphone application development assignment help for international students and companies. please upload your project requirement here
This project aims to develop a software product for the tracking and reminding of medication intake. The product will be made available through a mobile app. The user should have seamless access to their data across devices, allowing a user to make actions on medications (set reminders, snooze them, track medications, etc.) one device they are signed in on without need to repeat operations on a different device.
The application should be intuitive and ease to use, and visually appealing. The product should be fully deployed (on a cloud server and/or an app marketplace) by the end of the project and adequately tested.
The team also needs to develop a business planwhich identifies avenues for the design and development of advanced functionalities that could be retailed to the public within a paid “pro” version of the product.
Minimum functionalities:
- login using a google account (Integrate the authentication APIs offered by Google)
- User information page
- function to insert medication name, shape and color of medication (Figure 1), dosage, repetitions, time taken.
- function to select a medication from a list of past medications taken, or from a predefined list of available medications, with search capabilities to find medications
- function to schedule the administration of medication (set a reminder)
- function that reminds the user to take a medication (include
snooze button to defer)
- function to report all the time a medication has been taken
- function to find when next to take medications
- function to display which medication should be taken: today (morning, noon, evening and bed), tomorrow, in a given time range (can be displayed and designed as a Pillbox Figure 2)
- function to display recorded resultand feedback from user (Figure 3 record result)
- function to request for weekly/monthly report where it will show medication history
** - function to track the medication of multiple users. Caregiverscan send reminders to the patients (family, relatives and etc.) to take their meds and also has the feature where caregivers will receive notification whenever patientshave already taken their meds. (Figure 4 Multi Users)
ios application development
- all relevant functions need to have a (safe) erase counterpart
- acquire a complete list of medications for Australia, including vitamins supplements, e.g. Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) (You can obtain this by researching how to access and use the Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) dataset.)
- use of a database to maintain user and medication information, including choice and installation of an existing tool to manage the database through a GUI (e.g. phpmyadmin)
Samples attached
Create a simple website with one index.html (assignment help latest project )
Create a simple website with one index.html base page and at least 2 linked
159352 Tutorial – Week 3
In this exercise you will be implementing a basic HTTP server. You can use the
server.py code below (available on Stream) as a starting point, or use any other
language, which supports raw TCP/IP sockets such as Java.
Create a simple website with one index.html base page and at least 2 linked
images. Place the web objects in the same directory as your web server program.
This is becomes your document root. Extend the web server code such that it is
able to respond to client requests, and provide the requested resources. It should
be able to do basic error handling such as HTTP 404 - Not Found.
Optional exercise – Make your server multithreaded so that it can handle
multiple requests.
Submit your server code on Stream.
[box style="1 or 2"]#Here is a skeleton code you may use as a starting point.
#This is a very basic HTTP server which listens on port 8080,
#and serves the same response messages regardless of the browser"s request.
#It runs on python v3
#Usage: execute this program, open your browser (preferably chrome) and type
#e.g. if server.py and browser are running on the same machine, then use http://localhost:8080
# Import the required libraries
from socket import *
# Listening port for the server
serverPort = 8080
# Create the server socket object
serverSocket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM)
# Bind the server socket to the port
# Start listening for new connections
print("The server is ready to receive messages")
while 1:
# Accept a connection from a client
connectionSocket, addr = serverSocket.accept()
## Retrieve the message sent by the client
request = connectionSocket.recv(1024)
#create HTTP response
response = "HTTP /1.1 200 OK\n\nWelcome to my home page"
#send HTTP response back to the client
# Close the connection
connectionSocket.close() [/box]
For any assignments pleasse upload your requirement here
Need fairly detailed questionnaire assignment help services
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Matlab code for determine frames from my bin video file
First of all , i need to determine frames from my bin video file .And i need to write a code for stop and wait automatic repeat request for the determined video frames.in this transmission policy , frames bit are transmitted with awgn noise and if receiver doesnot obtain exact bit as transmitted then retransmit the same frame bit. The maximum loop can be iterated 3 times .If in the fourth time also if reciever doesnot receives exact fram bit then leave and go for next frame. Video bin file data are arranged in the sequential order. So it will be easy to determine video frame from the bin file.
First of all ..need to bring this file to matlab ..and video bit are arranged in sequential order ..VPS,SPS,PPS ,Slice . These slice are frames which are I ,B and P frame . The length of VPS is 29 ,length of PPS is 52 , Length of SPS is 11. Need to implement Automatic repeat request transmission technique for the slice i.e frames.
[section bgcolor="#f9f9f9" bgimage="IMAGEURL" parallax="true" padding="40px 0" border="1px solid #ececec"]Your The structure of video is VPS SPS PPS SLICE SLICE SLICE There is one vps pps sps and one I slice then sequence will be 3B slice followed by 1P slice . This continues till the end . VPS - 0001-next 0001 length is 29 SPS - 0001-0001 length is 52 PPS - 0001-001 length is 11 I slice - 001 to 0001 B slice-0001 to next 0001 P slice 0001-0001 After I slice there are 3 B slice and 1 P slice in sequence till the end[/section]
Automatic repeat request is a transmission techinque where sender sends the data or packet and receiver receives the sent data . If reciever doesnot receive the sent data then it sends acknowledgment to resend the data or packet . In this project individual frames data is separated into individual packet or block and sent with addition of awgn and at reciever it should recieve same packet sent by sender. XOR can be used at the reciever for comparing sent and recieved packet. AWGN should be addeAWGN should be added to the input frame packet or block . An AWGN channel adds white Gaussian noise to the signal that passes through it.
You can create an AWGN channel in a model using the comm.AWGNChannel System object, the AWGN Channel block, or the awgn function.d to the input frame packet or block . An AWGN channel adds white Gaussian noise to the signal that passes through it. You can create an AWGN channel in a model using the comm.AWGNChannel System object, the AWGN Channel block, or the awgn function. Simple stop and wait ARQ transmission can be used .
[embeddoc url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Gaussian-noise_How-to-Generate-.pdf"]
Mosel Programming
[separator headline="h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" title="
Mosel Programming Assignment help/ Xpress Programming help/ Linear programming expert help
The modern release 2005A of Xpress-MP adds a number of enhancements to an already impressive suite of search engine optimization and modeling software. Seeing that its inception, Xpress-MP has distinguished itself for rewarding the efficient implementation of algorithms to solve geradlinig and mixed integer coding (MIP) problems. Every time has continued to grow the state-of-the-art for statistical programming commercial solvers. The solvers implemented in the Xpress-Optimizer -- a central component of the Xpress-MP suite -- benefit from many search-accelerating techniques like presolve algorithms, use of global variables, advanced slicing planes strategies, heuristics, and customizable node and changing selection strategies. The newest release has speed improvements to the algorithms, and it in addition has added parallel MIP for multi-processing machines. Experience with time-critical applications, with considerable linear programs and with tough integer problems has earned Xpress-Optimizer a reputation among practitioners and academicians to be second to zero in conditions of rate and reliability.
Beyond the Xpress-Optimizer, the Xpress-MP suite is made up of an ground breaking modeling tool in the form of the Xpress-Mosel component. Mosel is conceived as a programming environment for both modeling and solving search engine optimization problems. Consequently, the Mosel language is in the same time an algebraic building language and also a true high-level programming dialect. This is in comparison with other algebraic modeling "languages" like AMPL [Fourer et. al. (1993)] and OPL [Van Hentenryck (1998)], which count on scripting to perform procedures around the model specification.
In Mosel, it is normal to varied modeling and solving transactions to program specialized solution algorithms or any program that is centered within an optimization model. And because the architecture of Xpress-Mosel was created to be open and flip, the syntax of the Mosel language can be naturally extended. Mosel has a native interface that is identified as public, allowing anyone to enrich the efficiency of the language by creating new modules. Intended for instance, calls to exterior functions and procedures of existing specialized solvers and other programs can be changed into simple Mosel transactions. This characteristic makes Xpress-Mosel a thrilling and practically inexhaustible environment for optimization-centered applications.
Mosel models are typically developed within the visual user interface Xpress-IVE. This kind of visual environment has many facilities for model debugging, solution analysis and solution display that bolster the productivity of the development effort. Each Mosel model has been built and tested in Xpress-IVE, it might be accessed and executed from other applications through Mosel libraries. The latest release of Xpress-MP adds a. NET library to the present C/C++, Java, and VB libraries. The Mosel your local library provide a simple and efficient device for an organization to integrate complex optimization models with the rest of its information systems.
The Mosel Terminology
Coding in Mosel is easy enough if you incorporate some experience with other high-level programming "languages". The statements that designate a model"s variables and constraints closely resemble the usual notation to illustrate optimization models. The associating lines (see box) provide an sort of Mosel code.
Sample Question
1) A textile company makes two types of cloth: light duty and heavy duty. The unit profits are €p1 and €p2 in respectively. Each metre of light cloth requires five metres of raw cotton and five hours of processing time. Each metre of heavy cloth requires three hours of processing time and eleven metres of raw cotton. There are 550 metres of raw cotton available and 300 hours of processing time. The sales department estimate demand for heavy duty cloth is at most 40 metres. a) Formulate an LP model to determine the quantities of cloth that maximise profit and satisfy the constraints. b) Explain the model and its components. State clearly any assumptions. c) Explain the graphical solution method. You may use pseudocode and should give some insight to how and why the method works d) Applythegraphicalsolutionmethodtodeterminetheoptimalsolutiontoyourmodel. You can complete the graphical solution using pen and paper. Scan your work and include it in your report. Alternatively, you can use your favourite drawing tool and include the image(s) in your report, noting the software package used. e) Interpret your solution fully and make a recommendation to the company. f) Implement a fully commented Mosel model to confirm the optimal solution obtained by the graphical approach. g) Write a short note comparing the approaches in parts d) and f) above. 2) A craft brewer makes three types of cider:golden glow,autumn fresh and sparkling light. Profits per cask are €7,500, €8,200 and €9,500 respectively. The brewery orchard has yielded 17 tonnes of apples with which the cider is made. Each cask of Golden glow uses 0.2 tonnes of apples, while autumn fresh uses 0.24 and sparkling light uses 0.18. The brewery has 2,500 hours of production capacity and can store at most 80 casks. Each cask of golden glow requires 11 hours to produce, while autumn fresh requires 8 hours and sparkling light requires 16 hours. Demand for sparkling light will be no more than half of the sales of the other two types of cider combined. How many casks of each type should be made in order to maximise revenue? a) Formulate and solve an LP for the brewer problem in Mosel. Your Mosel model should be fully commented and explicitly demonstrate the use of: i) a constant; ii) a real variable; iii) a string variable; iv) a decision variable; v) thesumlanguageconstruct; vi) the forall language construct; You may hard code the data in your Mosel implementation. You must include an interpretation of the optimal LP solution in your report. You do not need to give a full description of the Mosel model in your report. The comments in your Mosel model serve to explain your implementation. TASK REQUIREMENT : you must answer all the questions above and Implement and upload the Mosel models as indicated.
[embeddoc url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/answer-1.docx" height="2000px" viewer="microsoft"]
1. A.
x1*p1 + x2*p2 --> max (where is p1 and p2 is unit profits)
x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550
x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300
x2 <= 40
x1 >= 0, x2 >= 0
x1 - meters of light duty clothes
x2 - meters of heavy duty clothes
Each metre of light cloth requires five metres of raw cotton and each metre of heavy cloth requires eleven metres of raw cotton. Due to we have only 550 metres of raw cotton comes this equation: x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550
Same with processing time one metre of light cloth requires five hours, and each metre of heavy cloth requires 3 hours. We have only 300 hours available, so we have one more equation:
x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300
Also we have demand for heavy duty cloth is at most 40 metres from which x2 <= 40
And also we can’t have negative meters of clothes, so x1 >= 0, x2 >= 0
A linear programming problem or LP problem in two unknowns x1 and x2 is one in which we are to find the maximum or minimum value of a linear expression
x1*p1 + x2*p2 (where p1 and p2 is constants)
called the objective function
The solution set of the collection of constraints is called the feasible region of the LP problem. The largest or smallest value of the objective function is called the optimal value, and a pair of values of x1 and x2 that gives the optimal value constitutes an optimal solution.
For equation x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550 let’s draw line 5*x + 11*y = 550 (x1 = x, x2 = y)
Everything upon it will be red, and everything down it white.
For equation x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300 The line will be 5*x + 3*y = 300, everything upon it will be red, and everything down it white.
And last one x2 <= 40, y = 40 with same principe as shown upon.
We will get such picture:
The feasible region is shown in white.
To find maxima we should draw family of lines p1*x = p2*y, p1 and p2 is constant, let’s suppose p1 = p2 = 1, to make our life easier.
Only lines that has points from white area is needed. After that we much choose line that have max distance to (0,0).
Not hard to understand that it’s this line
The answer is this x and y matched in circles bellow
X = 41.25, Y = 31.25
E. So company should make 41.25 metres of light duty clothes and 31.25 meters of heavy duty clothes.
model "Clothing"
uses "mmxprs"; !gain access to the Xpress-Optimizer solver
!sample declarations section
x1,x2: mpvar ! Decision variables: produced quantities
Profit:= x1 + x2 !objective function
rawCotton:= 5*x1 + 11*x2 <= 550 ! cotton in metres
processingTime:= 5*x1 +3*x2 <= 300 !hrs of processing time
demand:= x2 <= 40 !demand
maximize(Profit) !Solve the problem
writeln("Make ", getsol(x1), " light Duty Clothes")
writeln("Make ",getsol(x2), " heavy Duty Clothes")
writeln("Best profit is ", getobjval)
G. Graphically solution is good to understand LP problem but does not let you solve it 100% correct. Firstly it works only when your LP problem has 2 unknown secondly, it’s very hard to get accurately answer when. Mosel mode is hard to build but when you don’t know how to do it, but after you find out LP problems is very easy to solve.
2. A.
x1 - number of cask golden glow
x2 - number of cask autumn fresh
x3 - number of cask sparkling light
7500 * x1 + 8200 * x2 + 9500 * x3 --> max
20*x1 + 24*x2 + 18*x3 <= 1700
x1 + x2 + x3 <= 80
11*x1 + 8*x2 + 16*x3
Mosel mode :
model "cider"
uses "mmxprs"; !gain access to the Xpress-Optimizer solver
!sample declarations section
x1,x2,x3: mpvar ! Decision variables: produced quantities
Profit:= 7500 * x1 + 8200 * x2 + 9500 * x3 !objective function
tonesApple:= 0.2*x1 + 0.24*x2 + 0.18*x3 <= 17 ! tones of apples
processingTime:= 11*x1 + 8*x2 + 16*x3 <= 2500 ! hrs of processing time
casks:= x1 + x2 + x3 <= 80 ! can store at most 80 casks
1. A.
x1*p1 + x2*p2 --> max (where is p1 and p2 is unit profits)
x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550
x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300
x2 <= 40
x1 >= 0, x2 >= 0
x1 - meters of light duty clothes
x2 - meters of heavy duty clothes
Each metre of light cloth requires five metres of raw cotton and each metre of heavy cloth requires eleven metres of raw cotton. Due to we have only 550 metres of raw cotton comes this equation: x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550
Same with processing time one metre of light cloth requires five hours, and each metre of heavy cloth requires 3 hours. We have only 300 hours available, so we have one more equation:
x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300
Also we have demand for heavy duty cloth is at most 40 metres from which x2 <= 40
And also we can’t have negative meters of clothes, so x1 >= 0, x2 >= 0
A linear programming problem or LP problem in two unknowns x1 and x2 is one in which we are to find the maximum or minimum value of a linear expression
x1*p1 + x2*p2 (where p1 and p2 is constants)
called the objective function
The solution set of the collection of constraints is called the feasible region of the LP problem. The largest or smallest value of the objective function is called the optimal value, and a pair of values of x1 and x2 that gives the optimal value constitutes an optimal solution.
For equation x1*5 + x2*11 <= 550 let’s draw line 5*x + 11*y = 550 (x1 = x, x2 = y)
Everything upon it will be red, and everything down it white.
For equation x1*5 + x2*3 <= 300 The line will be 5*x + 3*y = 300, everything upon it will be red, and everything down it white.
And last one x2 <= 40, y = 40 with same principe as shown upon.
We will get such picture:
The feasible region is shown in white.
To find maxima we should draw family of lines p1*x = p2*y, p1 and p2 is constant, let’s suppose p1 = p2 = 1, to make our life easier.
Only lines that has points from white area is needed. After that we much choose line that have max distance to (0,0).
Not hard to understand that it’s this line
The answer is this x and y matched in circles bellow
X = 41.25, Y = 31.25
E. So company should make 41.25 metres of light duty clothes and 31.25 meters of heavy duty clothes.
model "Clothing"
uses "mmxprs"; !gain access to the Xpress-Optimizer solver
!sample declarations section
x1,x2: mpvar ! Decision variables: produced quantities
Profit:= x1 + x2 !objective function
rawCotton:= 5*x1 + 11*x2 <= 550 ! cotton in metres
processingTime:= 5*x1 +3*x2 <= 300 !hrs of processing time
demand:= x2 <= 40 !demand
maximize(Profit) !Solve the problem
writeln("Make ", getsol(x1), " light Duty Clothes")
writeln("Make ",getsol(x2), " heavy Duty Clothes")
writeln("Best profit is ", getobjval)
G. Graphically solution is good to understand LP problem but does not let you solve it 100% correct. Firstly it works only when your LP problem has 2 unknown secondly, it’s very hard to get accurately answer when. Mosel mode is hard to build but when you don’t know how to do it, but after you find out LP problems is very easy to solve.
2. A.
x1 - number of cask golden glow
x2 - number of cask autumn fresh
x3 - number of cask sparkling light
7500 * x1 + 8200 * x2 + 9500 * x3 --> max
20*x1 + 24*x2 + 18*x3 <= 1700
x1 + x2 + x3 <= 80
11*x1 + 8*x2 + 16*x3
Mosel mode :
model "cider"
uses "mmxprs"; !gain access to the Xpress-Optimizer solver
!sample declarations section
x1,x2,x3: mpvar ! Decision variables: produced quantities
Profit:= 7500 * x1 + 8200 * x2 + 9500 * x3 !objective function
tonesApple:= 0.2*x1 + 0.24*x2 + 0.18*x3 <= 17 ! tones of apples
processingTime:= 11*x1 + 8*x2 + 16*x3 <= 2500 ! hrs of processing time
casks:= x1 + x2 + x3 <= 80 ! can store at most 80 casks
Best Magazine Cover Design Assignment Help Sample
Best Photoshop Assignment help service / Magazine cover sample
Photoshop for beginners is a fun but to make it professional it need skill and creativity. Our experts provide very selective designs and ideas to implement in design . here we provided magazine cover design sample to illustrate the skill. This was the assignment sample submitted and it scored great score.
For any kind of photoshop assignment help, design homework help, magazine cover assignment help, magazine cover designing help please dont hesitate to contact us anytime. This is the field we love to work for. Price is affordable and provide full support until you are satisfied. Photoshop homework help is tough for students until they know what they are doing. Sometimes they need online tutoring or manual to understand photoshop design
We also uses Adobe illustration and Photoshop to do the work. It all depends upon the client requirement. Sometimes student guidelines are very strict. So we will follow that . We can also provide explanation of what is provided so that it is easy to understand.
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For any queries please contact us here
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Autocad Sample
Autocad Assignment Help
[pdf-embedder url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/H-1.pdf" title="H (1)"]
[pdf-embedder url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/E.pdf"]
A major road widening project requires constructing nine link roads. The design traffic flows were obtained from revised forecast traffic produced by a traffic consultant. The forecast traffic flow was based on the Average Annual Daily Traffic in 2015 with percentage of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV). The geotechnical report confirmed that subgrade material is expected to be “chalk” and in situ CBR testing indicated that CBR, would be adequate for design. The design options are expected to reflect adequate consideration on sustainability to meet key policies on sustainable infrastructure development.
The design traffic is the commercial vehicle loading over the design period expressed as the number of equivalent standard (80kN) axles.
Its calculated using the commercial vehicle flow F, traffic growth G and wear factors W, design period Y (generally adopted 40 years) and Percentage of vehicles in the heaviest loaded lane P.
To determine the design traffic, the AADF of commercial vehicles per day (cv/d) in one direction, at scheme opening (or for existing road schemes, the current flow) and the proportion in the OGV2 category shall be used.
With %HGV and AADT we estimate HGV, using figure 2.1 we estimate OGV2, the different beetwen HGV and OGV2 will be OGV1 + PSV.
According to clause 3.13 and 3.14 if a 40 year future design is chosen as it has been proven more economical for structural maitanance and therefore reducing total life cost
With the figure 2.3 and table 2.3 we obtain Growth Factor G and Wear Factor F for a new road.
[embeddoc url="http://qualityassignmenthelp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/SUSTAINABLE-INFRASTRUCTURE-DEVELOPMENT.docx" height="10000px" viewer="microsoft"]
- References
- Design Manual for Roads and Bridges: Volume 7 Pavement Design and Maintenance.
- Volume 7 pavement design and maintenance section 2 pavement design and construction.
- Interim advice note 73/06 revision 1 (2009) design guidance for road pavement foundations (draft hd25).
- Volume 7 pavement design and maintenance section 2 pavement design and construction.
- Series 800 road pavements - (11/04) unbound, cement and other hydraulically bound mixtures.
- Series 900 road pavements- bituminous bound materials
- Series 1000
- Highway construction details b series.
Siemens NX designing samples
NX 11 carries you new apparatuses with the ability to radically enhance the way you create items. Take your outline, building and assembling procedures to the following level with NX CAD, CAM and Simcenter 3D.
NX for Design related project help
NX for Design is an incorporated item outline arrangement that streamlines and quickens the item improvement handle for specialists who need to convey creative items in a community oriented environment.
Not at all like CAD-just arrangements and shut venture arrangements, NX for Design offers the most abnormal amount of coordination between advancement teaches in an open, shared environment.
The expanding multifaceted nature of items, improvement procedures and configuration groups provokes you to discover new devices and techniques to convey more prominent advancement and higher quality at lower cost. NX 3D item plan programming from Siemens PLM Software conveys power, productivity and cost reserve funds that reach out past the outline procedure to all periods of item improvement.
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Challenge your skill with design, creativeness and manufacturing abilities to the imaginary level with NX CAD, CAM and Simcenter 3D.
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Unlike CAD-only solutions and closed enterprise solutions, NX for Design offers the highest level of integration between development disciplines in an open, collaborative environment.
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Not all homework help is the same - Why getting finance homework help from the right team is key to success
You might think any online program or tutor provides the finance homework help required for you to complete your assignments and to do well on your tests. But this couldn"t be further from the truth. Getting help from those who are not well-informed, who aren"t up to date with the latest materials, and who do not have the knowledge to teach (some people simply can"t teach, regardless of how knowledgeable they are) are never going to help you. This is why choosing the right tutoring company for your finance homework help is critical for you to learn the material, and learn the material you are having troubles with as a student.
How we help
No matter where it is that you are struggling, or the area of finance you need help with, tutors are a great resource. But, it needs to come from the right tutor. Because there are many areas of complicated materials, we have designed programs and a team of specialists to help you learn the material. Regardless of how tough, how complex, or whether you need general tutoring or help with complicated assignments, we are here to offer that finance homework help 24/7.
With out online dedicated tutoring, we can help you no matter where you are in the world, or what it is that you need help and guidance with. The simple fact that we guarantee our accuracy, your results, and your success, is what sets us apart from other tutoring companies out there, which simply do not offer this to their customers.
Our tutors are highly trained and knowledgeable -
All of our tutors are knowledgeable, in the specific area of finance which they tutor. We not only screen our applicants, we take the time to get to know them before hiring them as well. So we know that any tutor working with you, is truly the best one to help get you on your way, and help you learn the materials. With our online help, our tutors can also work with you at any time. So regardless of where you live, or what it is you are having troubles with, we have a person on our staff that will help you reach new heights in the courses you are taking.
We know your success depends on their knowledge, and this is why we only hire the very best. If you want to see the results, and really do well in your courses, we have the team in place to help get you there.
We work with you on assignments, basic tutoring, and help you with all areas of finance -
Whether it is an entry-level course, one you have taken for a couple of years, or advanced financing, the material is difficult. We are going to offer the guidance required, for you to learn the material. We have dedicated tutors in place, for each area of financing studies, so they can pinpoint the difficulties you are having, and help you get past them. Our tutors are highly trained, well-studied, and we fully screen them before hiring them, to provide online help you need to excel. All of this plays an integral role in helping you learn, helping you get past the hump, and finally getting you on track, to get the grades you want to get in all course work.
We offer many benefits to individuals who use our tutoring services, which include:
- Competitive rates for complex tasks and guaranteed 100% error free work.
- Help with general assignments, general tutoring to get you ready for exams, and in-depth analysis of tough material.
- Tutors for all levels (from high school through grad school).
No matter what the assignment, we offer finance homework help to those who are struggling. And, we can do it all online with you, at any time. This makes our program even more unique than others out there. We know the material is tough, even for the smartest, most studious people out there. This is where we can step in, provides guidance, and teaches you how to learn the material properly, so you will excel.
Check out our site to learn more about our error free results, guarantees, and to learn how our finance homework help is far superior than any other tutoring program out there.
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Test Post from http://qualityassignmenthelp.com http://qualityassignmenthelp.com
Technical Writing Manual in LabVIEW
best assignment help service on-time
How to Hire the Right Online Assignment Help Provider
You like doing assignments! No… Looking for someone who can do your assignments on time? That’s great; but remember there are hundreds of assignment writing services online claiming to be the best and cheap. Don’t be a prey of those cowboy companies. You have to do some homework while choosing the right assignment writing service. Have a look:
Beware of the Online Scams
In this technological world, there is no doubt that you’ll come across many fraudulent websites on Google. There are many websites who break your bank for plagiarized assignments. Beware of them. But how will you identify them? An easy rule of thumb is that, if a website is demanding money before they even give you a part of your assignment; possibly they never come up with a complete record. A reputable assignment writing services online ask you pay money when a part of assignment is dispatched.
Ask Your Friends
Getting recommendations is better than getting into the hands of faulty services. Ask your friends whether they have hired any assignment help service. If so, get details from them. Jot down the number of assignments they have worked for your friend, timely delivery and price. After analyzing all, if you think they can help you then never let go of them.
Variety of Assignments
The online help you choose must be expertise in every field. Yes, they have to offer academic writing, case study writing, finance homework help, programming help, 3D animation assignment help in Australia and more.
Finding the right assignment help service is tough but once you find it, you’ll enjoy great benefits. Choose the right service and get good grades.
How to Hire the Right Online Assignment Help Provider
Scoring Best Grades Are Now Easy with Online Assignment Help
Worried of your poor performance in Mathematics and Chemistry? Remember the great lines of Albert Einstein, “Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater”. Even Einstein faced problems with Maths. Why not, Mathematics is full of complicated problems.
Don’t worry; Maths can be made easy if you follow the three ways to score good grades.
- Concentrate in your classes and learn the same when you step in to your home.
- Take help of tutors and learn the chapters which you failed to learn in the class.
- Seek help of online assignment help.
I guess, as a student following the first option is little bit tough. Let me explain, a class size ranges from 30 to 40 students and teachers are offered 45 – 60 minutes to complete their class, and the maximum individual attention a teacher can give a student ranges 2 – 3 minutes. Then imagine how a student can learn all the chapters in the class?
Second step is however easy if you are ready to spend lots of money on the tutor without seeking any benefit. Yes, tutors will charge you high and fail to help students learn the things taught in the classroom. They never help in assignments/homework, instead burden you with lots of work from their side. This option needs lots of dedication from the student’s side and usually they don’t have the skills and time to handle such pressure.
The last option is online assignment help in Australia. Compared to the above options, this will help students to learn new ideas, complete assignments before the deadline and can save more time. The best thing is the price. Online assignment help offers very cheap price. They work 24X7 giving students the opportunities to learn by seeing the clear solutions.
Think about the things discusses in the post and choose the right option.
Scoring Best Grades Are Now Easy with Online Assignment Help
Is Assignments Killing Your Child? Read Now…
Every parent and even teachers must accept the fact that assignments is killing all the time which students have for fun. Well, this is not acceptable in the perspective of a parent but can be justified if we think this as a medium for learning. Unfortunately, the medium which was created for student’s welfare is highly inefficient and causing hypertension, stress, insomnia and inferiority complex in students.
Sometimes, the pressure level is so high that, students stop doing all the assignments and accept the fact that they are not as talented as his/her friends. Don’t let your child to be in depression instead get an alternate way. Thinking what? Hire academic writing help in UK. They can complete any project, assignment or homework with high quality and that too on time. This solution not only helps your child to get good grades but also saves a lot of time for them to get involved in other extracurricular activities.
Getting online assignment help doesn’t mean that the student will fail to learn new things; students can work with the assignment writing service to get advice from the experts. They can learn and explore new ideas. Also, students can get a clear perspective about the subject. Assignment writers spend lots of time in researching to find relevant data and can write it in a very understandable manner. This means that it fulfills your child’s assignment requirements and at the same time helping them to learn their subject lucidly.
So, dump your worries, get help from the experts and aid your child to learn with confidence.
Is Assignments Killing Your Child? Read Now…
Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Assignments with Comfort
Students just can’t avoid assignments and homework. They have to spend lots of time each day and even have to work on weekends completing their assignments to keep up with their coursework. This is because students get lot of assignments which they fail to organize effectively. And this makes them think that they are not capable of doing assignments and lacking knowledge from others.
There are solutions for everything, for students here are a few tips to stay on top of your assignments, have a look.
Hire Online Assignment Help
Online assignment help in Australia aids students in completing their assignments on time with 100% plagiarism free work. They can complete any assignments whether it is chemical engineering assignment, electrical/electronics, chemistry, C/C++ or case study writing help. They’ve expert professional to do the assignments perfectly for you and ensure you success.
Join Your Homework Space
Researching and completing assignments/homework in the homework space is the quickest way to save time. As they are free from distractions and you can easily concentrate on your work. You can also have snacks while doing your assignments.
Examine Your Assignments
Jot down the list of assignments you have to do in a week. After this, number the assignments in the ascending order based on their importance i.e. check the deadlines of each assignment. Start accordingly and be on track.
All these ways can help you to score good grades without lagging in time and quality. But assignment writing services online is the best way to reduce your assignment burden and to be on the top.
Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Assignments with Comfort
As part of the program to achieve excellent e-learning standards, the QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP has outlined a curriculum aimed at equipping the students with the relevant computer security studies that are in line with the QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP e- learning security objectives and other applicable skills especially the ICECP (Integrated Cyber security Education Communities Program) and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).
An introduction to E- learning practices would introduce the students to the importance and impact of E-learning to education in general as an additional or supportive tool in QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP objectives aimed at creating a secure E-learning environment. This would inform students of their contribution to e-learning security effectiveness, possible vulnerability and general management as a whole.
An introduction to telecommunication practices and network security is a course that is meant to equip the students with tools to understand the various telecommunication channels and how they can be able to identify the general security components including its hardware, for example, modems and routers, transmission media and network access control instruments such as proxies. Further the students at a later part will be introduced to security operations that would assist them in critical information identification and control which would include the media, hardware as well as the operators (Reed 1999).
Basic risk control practices will assist the students identify the institutions information assets, as well as guidelines and procedures that would guarantee confidentiality and integrity in general security management handling.
Disaster management will empower the students to have capacity to identify internal and external threats, improve capacity to prevent and recover information in order to have an have ability to implement effective and integral systems (Hodgins 2000). The creation of an effective backup system that is reliable will assist in the safeguard of data from exposure to outages that might be local or global in some instances.
Basic E- learning Security regulations and compliance studies will come in handy in to introduce students to the legal framework involved. Ethical judgment processes that are simple to comprehend will guide students and guides to make proper and responsible decisions as regard computer security handling as opposed to ethical behavior per se when utilizing e- learning tools and at the tail end of the program, have the students to commit themselves to a Code of Ethics that would be binding to them (Raymond 2009). The students would as well be guided to understand the implications of felony, computer crime as existing in the relevant laws.
Why Choose a Tutoring Company Over an Independent Tutor?
If you’re looking for final year project help, you will find numerous options of tutoring companies as well as independent tutors. While you may be tempted to avail the services of an independent tutor due to their competitive rates, read on to know why it is a better idea to trust a reputed company for the task.
- Time – If you have to go through the credentials of multiple individual tutors, it can be a time-consuming task. On the contrary, a company that hires tutors does all background checks beforehand, assuring you of superior work, without having to spend too much time.
- Quality – Companies have the ability to find the top-notch tutors in the industry and as they progress, they tend to hire smarter talent for their students. Plus, they have established systems in place that make the entire tutoring process much smoother and easier for students.
- Accountability – Tutoring companies focus on building their reputation and brand image and thus follow stringent quality standards. While independent tutors may have just a few students and rely on free advertising, tutoring companies might have hundreds of students and spend ample of money on branding and marketing.
- The X-Factor – While offering final year project help, it is important that the tutor and student have a right fit. In the case of an individual tutor, if the tuning doesn’t match, parents need to start from scratch but in the case of companies; they can just assign another tutor in no time!
- Focus – While an independent teacher might be busy managing the administration and other aspects, a tutor from a reputed company will only focus on teaching.
The reliability and credibility of tutoring companies makes them a preferred choice over independent tutors.
Why Choose a Tutoring Company Over an Independent Tutor?
The Common Pros and Cons You Should Consider While Seeking Academic Writing Help
One of the most highly effective education revolutions in the last few years is academic writing help. Students who are struggling with a particular subject can avail these remote learning services. We bring you some common pros and cons of this new method of imparting education:
- One of the best qualities of online academic writing help is that students can improve their skills without leaving the comfort of their home or causing disruption in their daily life.
- Online learning also offers immense flexibility. Students and tutors can decide on common convenient times for the lessons and they can be easily altered to match other schedules. This is great for students who are involved in sports or other extracurricular activities.
- Due to online services, locating a good tutor who specializes in a particular subject is much easier than finding a local teacher.
- The online services are extremely cost-effective and due to the wide options available, students can always compare the prices and services, and pick one that suits their requirements the best.
- Online tutoring can be difficult for students with a low attention span as in-person tutors will be able to give more personalized attention to such students.
- Online tutoring also requires discipline from the student’s end so those who are not willing to take up such an arrangement may find it difficult to cope up with online learning.
In spite of the few drawbacks for certain students, online tutoring is one of the best things to happen to the education industry. With the dissertation/ academic writing help and tutoring, students have a chance to excel at each and every subject in school and college.
The Common Pros and Cons You Should Consider While Seeking Academic Writing Help
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Test Post from Quality Assignment Help http://qualityassignmenthelp.com
Project Fractals and the Beauty of Nature"
Many fractals can be generated from descriptions in the Fractal Description
Language (.fdl). This language describes a start state of a fractal and a set
of rules how to progress to larger depths.
For example, to generate a Koch curve, we start with the initial (depth 0)
state F signifying a forward move, i.e., a straight line. The rule for expanding
to the next depth is given as a replacement rule.
F -> F L F R F L F
where L is a 60 degree turn to the left and R is a 120 degree turn to the right.
That is, we replace a straight line by a straight line, a left-turn, a straight
line, a sharp right-turn, a straight line, a left-turn, and a fourth and nal
straight line.
Thus, the state for depth 1 is F L F R F L F. To get to depth 2, we
have to apply the rule again to all positions of the state where it is possible,
i.e., we have to replace each of the four F by F L F R F L F. The result
is F L F R F L F L F L F R F L F R F L F R F L F L F L F R F L F
where the new sections are underlined to aid your understanding.
To get to depth 3, we would have to replace each of the 16 Fs by the right
side of the rule. For the sake of brevity, I leave this exercise to you.
Let us take a look at the le koch.fdl available from the project section
of the course home page.
start F
rule F -> F L F R F L F
length 2
depth 5
cmd F fd
cmd L lt 60
cmd R rt 120
The rst line give the start state, i.e., the
state F for depth 0. The second line give the
only rule needed for the Koch curve, i.e.,
to replace F by F L F R F L F. The third
line speci es the length of each segment, i.e.,
each straight line will be 2 units long. The
fourth line speci es that states should be ex-
panded to depth 5 before drawing the frac-
tal. Finally, the Lines 5 to 7 specify that F
is a straight line, L is a 60 degree left-turn
and R is a 120 degree right-turn.
Task 0 { Preparation
Download all the .fdl les from the course homepage (at least dragon.fdl,
fern.fdl, koch.fdl, sierpinski.fdl, sierpinski2.fdl, snowflake.fdl,
and tree.fdl.
Try to understand how these generate their respective fractals. If you
are new to the fractals project, have a look at the project description for
the rst part to get some inspiration. While most of the fractals are known,
dragon.fdl represents a dragon curve and sierpinski.fdl represents a
Sierpinski curve.
Task 1 { Representing and Applying Rules
A rule consists of a single letter for the left side and a list of letters for the
right side. Your task is to create a user-de ned type (= Python class) \Rule"
that represents such a rule. This class should have attributes for at least the
left side and the right side.
You also need to write a function that applies a rule to each (matching)
element of a list, i.e., that from the list ["F","L","F","R","F","L","F"] for
depth 1 of the Koch curve will generate the list [["F","L","F","R","F","L",
Task 2 { Representing and Executing Commands
A command consists of a command string (such as fd, lt, rt, scale) and a
list of arguments. Your task is to create a user-de ned type (= Python class)
\Command" that represents a command. This class should have attributes
for at least the command string and the arguments.
You also need to write a function for executing a command. This func-
tion gets as an argument a turtle object and a length. The command with
command string lt and argument list ["60"] should execute the Python state-
ment lt(turtle, 60). The command scale multiplies the length with the
oat. Finally, the command nop simply does nothing (no operation).
Task 3 { Loading a Fractal Description Language File
A fractal consists of a start state represented by a list, a list of rules, a
mapping from single letters to commands, a length, and a depth.
Your task is to create a user-de ned type (= Python class) \Fractal" that
has at least the attributes described above. In addition, you should write a
function or method that executes all commands of a given state, i.e., goes
through a state list, uses the mapping from single letters to commands, and
executes these.
You also need to write a function that reads an .fdl le and creates a
Fractal object from it.
Task 4 { Generating Fractals
Now you are left with computing a new state from an old state. Your task is
to write a (recursive or iterative) function or method that for a given start
state, set of rules, and depth computes the state at that depth.
Finally, you have to put everything together such that you can load,
compute, and draw a fractal for a given le. To this end, you should import
the sys module and use as a lename the rst argument passed on the
command line, i.e., sys.argv[1]. You also need to write a function to
the lists of lists obtained by rule applications into a list of elements those lists.
Task 5* { Support for Line Widths and Colors
The fractals look nice enough, but some colors and wider lines would make
them more pretty. Your challenge task is to extend the Fractal Descripton
language by the commands color and width where color gets a color name,
a color code or \random" as an argument while width gets a
oat. Random
colors can e.g. be generated by using format strings:
"#%02x%02x%02x" % (randint(0,255),randint(0,255),randint(0,255))
Here is an example for a nicer dragon curve:
start F X
rule X -> X R Y F
rule Y -> F X L Y
length 3
depth 13
color random
width 2.0
cmd F fd
cmd X nop
cmd Y nop
cmd L lt 90
cmd R rt 90
Note that this task is optional and does not have to
Solution Code
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Programming : C, C++, Java, Python, Algorithm, Lisp, Scheme, Databases, Data-structure, javascript, Perl, Fortran, Logo design, Banner design, Php, Asp.net etc Subjects: Mathematics, Mathematica, Physics, Accounts, Finance, Business, etc Other services: Data entry, Test orientation help, Online tutoring , Article writing, programming testing, Coding error correction, etc
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